Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Sphere by Michael Crichton

My quick ramblings:
It's unfortunate that I only found out about Michael Crichton after his death. I read Sphere in 2018 and gobbled it up in 3 days. My heart beat fast, my jaw was clenched for the majority of the time, and I didn't want to do anything else but read this novel. I was captivated by the suspenseful storyline, well-written characters, and mysterious force they battled with throughout the novel. 

My short and sweet review:
A group of scientists embark of a life-changing trip into the deep, dark South Pacific ocean. Will all of them make it? Will only some? Or will there be a sole survivor? That's for the reader to find out. 

The four scientists have a mission to investigate a space ship at the bottom of the ocean. Soon, they discover a spherical object which starts to communicate with them. The messages are sinister. Paranoia ensues. It's up to the four of them to figure out how to handle this beast and how to survive. 

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